Rebecca and Alex


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Below are some of our favorite places!

·       Osteria del Bugiardo - owned by our friend Mariano Buglioni, this small restaurant/bar in the center of town has some of the best Italian food/wine you'll experience in Verona!

·       Osteria Ponte Pietra Ristorante - try and get a table on the terrace overlooking the water and the bridge

·       Antiqua Bodega del Vino - a great find in one of the small winding streets of Verona

·       Locanda 4 Cuochi - good food, and tablecloths you can draw on...

·       Victoria Club/Restaurant at Pallazzo Victoria - relatively upscale dining in this courtyard of the hotel in the center of town

Many of the main squares (e.g. Piazza del Erbe) are surrounded by small restaurants and bars that open till the early hours.

For more ideas / good lists:

·       Condenast Traveller

·       Via Michelin

·       Gourmet Traveller


Below are some good links to lists of things you can do while in Verona - there's lots to see!

·       The Guardian
The New York Times
Walks of Italy